Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Random Musings and a Prayer

Hi friends,

My heart is full of wonder at the this post may be all over the place. Wonder often makes me feel flighty and causes my thoughts to circle themselves repeatedly and ever-so-slowly instead of swirl around and occasionally intersect or pass closely by. Lots of positives and lots of 'yes' in my life right now...and it feels good.

I wrote a post (and if I knew how to link to it, I would do it now) about the most dangerous word being yes quite early on in my blogging life. I think about that post often because I believe, still, that the most dangerous word is yes. Yes. Say it with me "YES."

Yes, you can create a dream and weave your life into it. It's possible - I speak from experience. Yes, you can redefine boundaries and reach unreachable people - I speak from experience. Yes, people ARE inherently good and want to work together to spread goodness - I speak from experience. Yes, 'ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will open to you' is TRUE - I speak from recent experience and a giddy heart about this.

All we need in life are opportunities. The opportunity to make the right decision. The opportunity to make the wrong one. The opportunity to make a first impression. The opportunity to change how people perceive you. The opportunity to let your light shine so that others may see. The opportunity to hitch your wagon to a star. The opportunity to see your gifts, and the opportunity to use your gifts in a way that fulfills the deepest part of your heart. The opportunity to stand up to NO and turn it into a YES.

Psalm 37:4 comes to mind. It's pretty popular and I'd be willing to bet you've heard it before. It says "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." After seeking the Lord with ALL my heart lately, he has not only revealed my desires, but reignited things that were dormant for a while.

Funny... in reading my bible tonight I came across this in Jeremiah 29:14 "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." I am pretty confident that this what I've been doing. I am seeking the Lord with ALL my heart...and because I'm doing that, I have been given the opportunity to not only re-ignite the desires of my heart within myself, but also openly and freely share the desires of my heart with people who can make my "no"s turn to "yes"es...and it's all for the greater good of God.

Heavenly Father, I thank you for your mighty hand in my life. You amaze me and leave me feeling wide-eyed with wonder. Not only did you free people when you walked on this Earth, but you also freed my heart to accept the opportunity and the gifts you had waiting for me. You humble me, Lord. You reward me when I don't deserve it. You encourage me to press on and fight the good fight. You love me DESPITE me. I bow before you tonight, Jesus, and with a servant's heart, request that you direct my path. As sure as you've put your promise in my heart, I ask that you make my footing equally as sure. Turn my meekness into might for YOUR glory, Lord. I, the lowest of these, desire to lift your name above all names. Keep this desire in my heart as you reveal more and more to me. Help me shine my light for you, Lord. Without you, I fade. In Jesus' precious and holy name ... Amen ♥


  1. I KNEW you were going to blog on your post...I almost blogged on your post as well.
    Very nice Ms. Dina!!

  2. Bre... P L E A S E post. Hear me when I say I L O V E to read you <3
